The End Of An Era - Or Is It??? (By Dr Jekyll)


    Well my friends,  we,  that  is  The  Ripper Staff although we've only been going a short time we are still here, and still we hope, getting a better mag put together, which can't be said for my old mag namely The  Crypt  of  which I was partly music editor, and then I did a short stint as assistant editor.

    After reading the latest edition a  week  or so ago, I soon realised that The Crypt was  very  possibly  on it's way out of the diskmag scene, and that  was  confirmed  as fact last night (Sunday the 3rd of October)  after  a  telephone call from it's head honcho The Dungeon Master,  or  Ray Hawkins as he's really known, and a good mate in the past to yours as well.

    The main reason for DM's decision  is lack of commitment on any of the  other  two  lads  side,  Hercules  (Craig  Daines - assistant editor) and also is or  was  editor of UFO which is a diskmag for UFO enthusiast's  together  with  a lad called XLR8 who is TC's music editor are both for packing The Crypt in.

    Apparently, TC has a readership  all  over the country, and some readers abroad, and even  with  that following, the output is there, but as all the  lads  on  The  Ripper know, is that a
diskmag  needs  an  equal   amount   of  both  "INPUT"  and "OUTPUT" Rn order for a diskmag to continue, so apparently, The Crypt has hardly any of the  former,  but a fair bit of the latter, so Dungeon Master has  decided that alone, he's carried The Crypt far enough, and so, as  he says in his words "Fuck it Steve, I've had enough mate".

    And so lads,  with  The  Crypt  out,  or  on  it's way out, surely, this is a good time to  seize  the bull by the horns so to speak and approach  a  couple  of  PD libraries, F1 Software being a good place to start possibly,  in fact any of the still available PD libraries might want to sell copies of The Ripper, if we want to  expand,  then  we  must  start  to look at other outlets as  well  as  contacts  wanting  issues  and  also  the "Online" contacts, do we want  to  become  a well known diskmag  like The Crypt was, or do we  just want to stay in the shadows,

I think not....(Dr Jekyll).